“Delaney’s” – Café Extension
The Rudyard Lake Trust are pleased to announce the completion of the extension to the café at the Lake.
The work has taken some 6 months to complete and it is planned that the café can now be open every day during the Winter months rather than just at weekends.
Our thanks to everyone involved, our Funders, the generous public donations received along with our Builders & many volunteers.
In recognition of the inheritance received from Jan Delaney of Rudyard Montana which “kick started” our project the room will be known as “Delaney’s”.

The decor inside the cafe is a nod to Rudyard’s tearooms of old. There is a TV, often showing slideshows and other information on the lake and a “Delaney’s” sign in honour of Jan.
The cafe extension was declared officially open by BBC’s Ros Chimes on the 7th April 2019.
For the latest news and information about the cafe, check out their instagram and/or facebook: