Isaac & Harry Bailey
Isaac Bailey and his brother, Harry Bailey were local residents who died during WWI.
Both enlisted not long after the war was declared and after a period of training, both were despatched to France, Harry arriving on 26 February 1915 and Ike two months later, on 24 April.
Harry, the younger man, had joined the Royal Field Artillery and Ike the Bedfordshire Regiment. Harry was awarded a military medal for bravery and promoted to corporal. Both men were killed in 1917, only three months apart, Harry on 10 January and Ike on 15 April.
It must have been devastating for the family, especially their mother Harriet who had been widowed in 1905.
We have been fortunate that two of their great nieces have been willing to share some of the family photos and mementoes of Harry and Ike.
Both men were killed in 1917, only three months apart, Harry on 10 January and Ike on 15 April.…
Ike and Harry had been bell-ringers in the church prior to the war and as well as being commemorated on the war memorial they are remembered on an oak tablet in the church. This report appeared in a Leek Deanery Magazine in 1920.